Hello, everyone! I hope you're all happy, safe, and healthy. I have to say, for me, July was a rather uneventful month. I ideally wanted to finish the final revisions for The Drekavac, but I only got about 22k through. I've been very distracted lately and mentally drained, so I attribute some of my feet-dragging to that, but mostly the fear of not being good enough. Or at least, this project not being good enough. It's like becoming "nose-blind" like that one Febreeze commercial; I fear I've lost the sense of smelling whether or not this project is good enough to continue or if I'm just destroying it as I go forward. When I reread it, I see how much it's improved and genuinely get into the story. It's then when I realized self-doubt and apprehension are the real issue at hand, here.

A Ton of AO3 Fics
(seriously, like over 300k words combined)
All Saint's Street
A Playthrough of Danganronpa V3
(Kokichi Ouma deserved BETTER!!!)
The Arcana
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
For August, my goal is to finish the final revisions of The Drekavac, and also edit Thrown in preparations for my Novel Workshop class (as well as make sure it's formatted properly). Yesterday I wasn't feeling very well, and I realized my symptoms align with COVID symptoms, so I'll be getting tested tomorrow. It's probably nothing, but I don't want to inadvertently endanger anyone. I just started working at a mall this past week, so it's not like I haven't been around a ton of people.
Either way, stay safe, and make some good out there!